Krishna Gopal Ranjit

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Krishna Gopal Ranjit’s paintings juxtapose the abstract with concrete, the unlimited universe with the objects and images of our surroundings, and the stillness with movement. The ambience of his paintings create sublime in the sense that as we view his paintings, they take us beyond our imagination, the viewer and the viewed are fused, the world trembles as in the earthquake of high magnitude, the tides in the sea flow as in a tsunami.

Krishna Gopal Ranjit’s paintings juxtapose the abstract with concrete, the unlimited universe with the objects and images of our surroundings, and the stillness with movement. The ambience of his paintings create sublime in the sense that as we view his paintings, they take us beyond our imagination, the viewer and the viewed are fused, the world trembles as in the earthquake of high magnitude, the tides in the sea flow as in a tsunami.

The artist realizes a sense of apocalypse, the end of the world, the upside down of the buildings, towers, hills and the civilizations. Temples, mosques, monasteries and churches are swinging like a leaf in the cosmic cyclone. The rage sweeps and gulps everything. What is visible, is the storm of light and the milky way. The paintings suggest the transition between the beginning and the end of the universe.

In some paintings, Saraswati, the goddess of learning, the primordial mother plays the veena (a musical instrument) before the world begins. The cosmic rhythm and music flows from centre to periphery.

In a painting, the lightning and the thunderbolt bigger than the atmosphere floods the white the Himalaya with the flashing light foreshadowing the disaster.

The volcanic eruption of the energy scatters the molten lava across the world.

He creates a sense of big-bang through centripetal and centrifugal forces. The universe is conversed into a ball, and the single mass is expanding and moving outward to create planets and stars as dust particles. Life, movement, change, speed, rhythm and music are the properties of Krishna Gopal Ranjit’s paintings.

Even in such turmoil and tsunami, the Buddha remains calm and firm in his meditation. This is the enlightenment and nirvana of the Buddha. The cosmic energy is flowing toward him and going back to the universe.

Date of Birth: 1935


Solo Shows:

2011: Nature Rage, Fusion Studio, Kathmandu, Nepal

2005: Moonlight Panorama, J Art Gallery, Kathmandu, Nepal

2005: Himalayan Views, J Art Gallery, Kathmandu, Nepal

2005: Nature and Culture, Nagaoka, Nigata City, Japan

2004: From Nature to Culture, Pokhara, Nepal

2003: Living Culture, Gallery 9, Kathmandu, Nepal

2001: Passsing Culture, J Art Gallery, Kathmandu, Nepal

1999: The Foggy Morning, J Art Gallery, Nepal

1999: New Horizon, J Art Gallery, Kathmandu, Nepal

1999: Himalayan Views, J Art Gallery, Kathmandu, Nepal

1998, 1997, 1995, 1993, 1991, 1989: J Art Gallery, Kathmandu, Nepal

1972: Thailand

1972: Nepal Association of Fine Arts, Kathmandu, Nepal

1969: Nepal India Cultural Center, Kathmandu, Nepal


Group Exhibitions:

1965-1972: Participated in National Art Exhibitions, organized by Nepal Association of Fine Arts

1997: Participated in art show organized by Fuji Television of Japan

1970: Participated in Expo-Japan



Felicitated by Nepal Association of Fine Arts for outstanding contribution in development of Art in Nepal

2004: Honor and Felicitated by Newa Khala of Pokhara

2000: Rastriya Prativa Puruskar

Consolation award on 7th National Art Exhibitions, Kathmandu

1997: International award from Fuji Television of Japan

RNAC Silver Jubilee Medal

2000: Felicitated by the Commercial Artists’ Association of Nepal

2010: Ambassador for Peace, Universal Peace Federation, Interreligious & International Federation for World Peace, Korea

Travel: Germany, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand



In Nepal and many private collections around the world

Art Works

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