Sudharsan Rana

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Sudharsan Rana’s anthropocentric sculptures celebrate the diverse nuances of human experience and feelings. The youthful figures always appear in action. The inherent energy in the young men is seeking some outlet. He does not portray the human figures in their attire suggesting his attachment with human form as it is. The curving muscles of the body shine along the surface.

Sudharsan Rana’s anthropocentric sculptures celebrate the diverse nuances of human experience and feelings. The youthful figures always appear in action. The inherent energy in the young men is seeking some outlet. He does not portray the human figures in their attire suggesting his attachment with human form as it is. The curving muscles of the body shine along the surface.

The thinking old men are in meditative mood. They are holding their head high implying the dignity of their life and experience. The old age is approaching and the end of the life will be in the corner. But they are not gloomy and horrified. For them old age is also the novel experience. Their face suggests the old age, yet the vibrant energy moves underneath. And the lower body and muscles are youthful. They may be meditating but with resilience and buoyancy. They seem to sort out the problem with ease and plan with confidence. Even if they seem to contemplate for spiritual enlightenment, it looks as though they have already experienced it. Their expression suggests so.

Some human couples are shown in love. They are embracing each other with passion. One individual melts into the other suggesting the oneness of experience and feeling. In addition to the presence of inner love, they are celebrating the sensuality of the voluptuous body, curved muscles and tactile texture of the skin.

Sudharsan’s works are larger than real life in attitude and approach. Of course, there are beautiful and stunning things and people in the world, there are also horrible, hideous and mean people. But Sudersan’s human images are refined and cultured. They seem to be ready to face any sort of challenges with confidence and inner gravity.

To express the inner attitude, emotions and feelings, the artist sometimes alters the forms and figures. He makes the human body bold and highlights the organs suggesting the bursting energy and stamina within. Sudersan creates anthropocentric forms exploiting the media like wood, clay and metal.

In some sense, his youthful figure with energy and confidence present the political comment covertly. These figures may suggest the power of Nepali youths. But how is the vigor and volcanic energy spent? Why can’t the state channel their potential in the productive and creative woks for the betterment of the nation?

Name : Sudarshan Bikram Rana

Date of Birth : 16-11-1968 Kathmandu, Nepal

Nationality : Nepali  

Sex : Male


1994 : Diploma in Fine Arts, Tribhuvan University, College of Fine Arts, Kathmandu

1990 – 1992 : Special course on Animation Film Design, Ram Mohan’s Studio, Bombay, India

Solo Exhibition

1996 : “Reflection of Emotion”, Art Council, Kathmandu

2001 : “GHATANA”, an Art installation at Nepal Art Council, Kathmandu


1988 : Consolation Prize – Sculpture, Annual Inter Campus Art Competition

1992 : First Prize – Sculpture, Annual Inter Campus Art Competition

1994 : Consolation Prize, All Nepal Greeting Card Design Competition, Organized by Bhaktapur Craft

1994 : First Prize, Poster Design Competition on Health Benefits of Practicing Family Planning organized by YAG with support from UNFPA, Nepal.

1995 : First Prize, Poster Design Competition on Awareness Against AIDS organized by C. D. S Amphair

1995 : Second Prize, Sixth Annual Nationwide open Poster Competition Against Drug Abuse organized by The Reiyukai Nepal

1995 : First Prize, Sixth Annual Poster Competition Against Drug Abuse organized by The Reiyukai Nepal

1995 : First Prize, Poster Competition on ‘Violence in the Home’, organized by SATHI – Women’s Org

1995 : Second Prize, Nationwide Poster Competition on His Majesty the King’s Auspicious Golden Jubilee Ceremony organized by Golden Jubilee Celebration Committee

1997 : Consolation Prize – Sculpture, Annual National Art Exhibition organized by NAFA

1998 : Second Prize – Sculpture, Annual National Art Exhibition organized by NAFA

1999 : First Prize – Sculpture, Grand Art Exhibition organized by Nepal Art Council

2005 : Arniko Youth Award on sculpture 2062

2006 : First Prize – Sculpture, Annual National Art Exhibition organized by NAFA

Special Participations:

1990 : Print making workshop, Campus of Fine Arts, (Goethe Institute)

1990 – 91 : 1st & 2nd Visual communication workshop, organized by UNICEF, Nepal , Kathmandu

1991 : The Kathmandu Animation Workshop for Television Design, Kathmandu

1993 – 94 : “Old Master’s Technique of German”, Campus of Fine Arts

1994 : Painting & Collage Workshop with Artist Poula Prima from France org. by French Culture Centre

1994 : Joint Print Making Workshop with Indian Artists’ Group ‘Guild’

1995 : Nepal – Bangladesh Art Camp at Lumle & Sundarijal organized by Srijana Art Gallery

1998 : The 4th CAPPING Exhibition (MEGOURO Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan)

1999 : “Poetic-Expression” Experimental Painting exhibition with literature & Music at Bhojan Ghriha.

1999 : 9th Asian Biennale Bangladesh Painting / Sculpture.

1999 : “Breast-Kathmandu” 3 Months workshop in Nepal With French Artist at Nepal Art Council

2000 : Participated in Cultural Exchange program at Tibet, China as a Contemporary Sculptor from (NAFA)

2002 : Installation art workshop with performance in Nagarjuna hill (Osho Tapoban), Kathmandu

2003 : Grand Contemporary Art Workshop at Kala Upaban Organized by NAFA.

2003 : Art Workshop at Dhulikhal Organised by Commercial Artists Society

2004 : ‘MEHIR LICHT!’ Sculpture workshop & exhibition a broad With French artists

2004 : Installation art workshop (Cave & Nest Resort), Nagarjuna Org. by Sudarshan & Sunita

2005 : 1st Contemporary Sculpture Symposium on Stone Organized by Arambha Group, Kathmandu

2005 : 2nd Contemporary Sculpture Symposium on Wood Organized by S.C.A. & Arambha Group

2005 : Contemporary Painting Workshop at Lubhu Organized by Nanda Kishor Foundation

2005 : “Art party” Painting Exhibition, Auction Organized by “Bhav Art Gallery” at Alliance Française

2006 : “Khulla Dhoka 2006” art Work , Shop Siddhartha Art Gallery

2006 : “Impression of Manang” 15 days painting workshop at Manang Org. by Manang Youth Society

2006 : “Harmony” Sculpture Symposium: celebrating 50th anniversary of Nepal- Japan diplomatic relationship Org. by Arambha Group

2006 : ‘Mahan Bharat ko Sundar Sikkim’ Painting Workshop, Sikkim, India

2007 : Art and nature conservation Initiative: 10 days workshop at Chitwan National Park Org. by IUCN

2008 : ‘A Beautiful Waste-8848’ Contemporary Sculpture Symposium on Garbage From Mt. Everest, Organized by Arambha , Kathmandu

2008 : ‘Relief to the Flood Victims of Koshi Barrage’ Painting Workshop, Gurukul, Kathmandu

2008 : ‘For the Relief to the Flood Victims of Koshi Barrage’ Painting Workshop, The Art Shop & WAGON


Worked as Animator 1990 – 1994 (MMCP)

Development from Below – 15 minute animation film – GTZ

Container’s Wish – TV spot

Children’s Program Opening – NTV

Meena – animation Clip – UNICEF

Yum Yum Noodles TV commercial

1990 -96 Illustrations for Asmita Women magazine

1994 -95 Set Design for Drama organized by ‘Group 7’ – Hotel Vajra

Illustrations for World Education’s Publication

Graphic Designer for Park People Project (HMG, UNDP)

Illustrations for Gorkhapatra Corp.’s Publications on contract

2001 Animated Music Video NUNU The Sleep Fairy

2003 “Time” claymation of Nepali Poem for French Animation Film Festival Org., by Alliance Française

2004 XS wafer TV commercial

2004 Tiger Battery TV commercial

2005 Direction: more than Twenty Music Videos

Group Exhibition

1998 – 92 : Annual Inter Campus Exhibition at Fine Art Campus, Bhotahiti, Ktm.

1993 – 94 : Cartoon Competition and Exhibition (Young Artist’s Group)

1994 : Group 37 Art Exhibition at Nepal Art Council, Kathmandu

1995 : Lalit Festival ‘Exhibition of Contemporary Paintings and Sculpture’ Hotel Summit

1995 – 04 : National Art Exhibition, National Association of Fine Art (NAFA)

2000 : Visioning 2000 Art Workshop at hotel Harati Org. by Srijana Art Gallery

2000 : “Breast-Kathmandu” Exhibition in Nepal, Hotel Yak & Yeti

2000 : Nepalis art Exhibition in King of Romabouillet-France Organized by @sian artist

2005 : “Dhulikhel festival” Art exhibition at Singha Art Gallery, Patan Nepal Commercial Artist Society

2005 : “ASHTITO KO LAGI PARIKALPANA” panting exhibition on Chandra Bhatachan’s Songs

2005 : “Lubhu” Painting Exhibition at Gallery Nine Organized by Nanda Kishor Foundation

2006 : “Impression of Manang” art Exhibition at Manang Cultural Museum , Org. by Manang Youth Society

2006 : “Khulla Dhoka 2006“ art Exhibition Organized by Siddhartha Art Gallery At NAFA

2006 : “Impression of Manang” at art Exhibition at Nepal Tourism Board, Chitwan & Pokhara Org. by Manang Youth Society

2006 : ‘Mahan Bharat ko Sundar Sikkim’ Painting Exhibition at Gangtok, Sikkim, India

2007 : Nature’s Call: painting exhibition Org. by IUCN at Nepal Art Council.

2007 : Sculpture in Wood Exhibition Organized by Sirjana College of Fine Arts & Arambha Group

2007 : ‘Sangaalo’ Exhibition Organized by Nepal Lalit Kala Manch at Nepal Art council.

2008 : ‘Amalgam – 2008′ Noble’ by Siddhartha Art Gallery

2008 : ‘Little Movement in toun’ performance art event by Bindu, A Space for artists’, Kathmandu

2008 : ‘Colour of Nature’ Exhibition at The Art Shop

Affiliated With

Vice-president, Nepal Contemporary Sculptors’ Group ‘ Arambha’

Member of Artists’ Association of Nepal “ASON”

Former Vice-president, Young artist Group ‘ Y A G ‘

Working As

Director ‘ The Art Club’

Coordinator ‘Bhav Art Gallery’

Free-lance Visual artis

Art Works
